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About Akaysha’s Social
License Framework.


While fulfilling our mission to lead the energy transition, Akaysha is committed to being an active partner in the communities and environments in which we are present. We recognise the unique landscapes that we operate in and the importance of working with communities to build trust and confidence in our stakeholders along the way.

Akaysha’s social license framework is based on key pillars of expertise. Each pillar is interrelated and allows the highest quality and most investible projects to be realised and managed well into the future.

of Country.

Akaysha acknowledges and respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Nation’s first people and recognises their traditional relationship with Country. As an energy company, we acknowledge the importance of respecting and nurturing the environment. We are committed to working in harmony with Indigenous communities and honouring their traditional knowledge in our pursuit of sustainable energy solutions.

Akaysha is dedicated to promoting reconciliation, understanding, and collaboration with Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the opportunity to operate on this land and strive to uphold the values of respect, integrity and environmental stewardship in our endeavours.

How will it be used?

The framework will be used as a dynamic tool to guide our approach to responsible business practices, shaping our interactions with stakeholders, and strengthening our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility in renewable energy.


Informs decision-making processes during project planning to include social factors, address community concerns, and garner support.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Fosters relationships, gathers feedback, and ensures meaningful impact.

Risk Management and Compliance

We identify and mitigate risks related to community opposition and compliance.

Socio-Economic Development Initiatives

Maximising positive impacts and fostering long-term benefits for communities.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

We track effectiveness and continuously improve our social license initiatives.

How it works

The Social License Framework is a roadmap for leaders and managers to drive social impact across all parts of the business, whether that be minor projects to overall strategy. It aims to drive consistency in everything we do, no matter how big or small. It consists of three key components:

  1. Social Sentiment: Reflects the community's attitudes, opinions, and level of acceptance of a project.
  2. Implementation Tools: Access essential resources for effective engagement.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation: Evaluate and refine social impact initiatives.

By navigating through these steps, the framework aligns with the users social impact objectives, providing tailored social, economic and environmental impact initiatives according to the level of impact appropriate to the situation.

Social Sentiment

Underpinning the utilisation of the Social License Framework, is community sentiment, perceptions and level of acceptance of a project.

The objectives aim to:

  • Focus Akaysha's approach to social license to make sure initiatives are specific, achievable and measurable.
  • Strengthen initiatives by identifying opportunities and recognising assets.
  • Measure how well the initiatives work, assess impact, and find opportunities to improve.

Implementation Tools

These tools will be used to optimise the social impact potential of business activities and services. The framework is not exhaustive and is intended to provide a guide of activities and initiatives to deliver social impact.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The framework is overseen by a continuous process of monitoring and evaluation. This process is categorised according to the three impact types – social, economic, and environmental – and offers a variety of methods that can be used individually or concurrently to measure the effectiveness of initiatives and track progress towards achieving our desired goals.

Social License Framework

Continuous engagement with our stakeholders, along with monitoring, evaluation, and reporting, ensures the best possible outcomes for the communities in which we operate.

The future of social
impact at Akaysha

At Akaysha, we understand the importance of ongoing dialogue and collaboration with our stakeholders. Through regular reviews, surveys, focus groups, and consultations, we gather feedback to refine our strategies and ensure alignment with community needs.

Our commitment to continuous improvement in social license practices underscores our dedication to fostering sustainable relationships and creating shared value.

With our Social License Framework, we aim to demonstrate responsible business practices, environment stewardship, and meaningful community engagement, contributing to a better energy future for all.