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Brinkworth BESS

    The proposed Brinkworth Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will have a capacity of 300MW/1200MWh and provide up to 4 hours of energy storage for the BESS, and generate up to 200MWp for the Solar Farm.

    Designed to store and generate electricity as part of the national electricity grid, the Brinkworth Project will help support Australia’s energy transition as a cost effective way of integrating renewable energy and ensuring that energy remains reliable and affordable.

    The Project is proposed to be located 5km north west of the Brinkworth township, and directly adjacent to the Brinkworth Substation.

    Project Update

    Over the past six months, Akaysha Energy and Wind Prospect have engaged with government agencies, Regional Councils, Traditional Owner groups, landowners and neighbours, and other interested groups.

    The Community Information Sessions held in May and October in Koolunga and Brinkworth were well attended. We would like to thank the community for their hospitality, and valuable feedback. The feedback provided by the community and stakeholder groups has helped us shape and refine the project.

    A range of technical and environmental assessments have been conducted to understand the potential impacts and benefits for the project and where required identified measures to minimise any potential adverse impacts. These assessments include:

    • Environmental aspects including flora and fauna, surface water management, and soils
    • Socio-economic and agricultural impacts
    • Cultural heritage
    • Visual impact
    • Noise
    • Traffic
    • Fire risk
    • Aviation

    Site Suitability

    As a responsible company that champions low-carbon growth, Akaysha strongly considers the environment where we work and live. It is a critical part of our project development to carefully choose appropriate sites within our host communities.

    The Brinkworth Project is located on land currently used for cropping and has a number of characteristics that make it an ideal site.

    • Proximity to Brinkworth Substation, a robust part of the ElectraNet 275kV transmission system
    • Good solar resources providing the opportunity to both generate and store renewable energy
    • Relatively flat topographical conditions
    • Few environmental constraints based on initial field surveys
    • Good road access

    Community Sponsorship Fund

    Applications now open!

    Sponsorships applications are welcomed to assist community groups and organisations that operate in the vicinity of the project. The Community Sponsorship Fund provides $10,000 annually.

    We are excited to announce the Community Sponsorship Fund will be increased during construction and operation of the project to provide an annual fund of $50,000 ($20,000 for the BESS component and $30,000 for the solar component). Please contact us to learn more!

    Successful Applicants for 2023

    We would like to thank the members of the community for all the submissions received for the Community Sponsorship Fund. We are pleased to have provided sponsorships to the following community organisations.

    Brinkworth Oval

    The Brinkworth Yacka Management Committee submitted a proposal to support the installation of nets behind the goal posts at the Brinkworth Oval. The addition of nets will increase safety by reducing the need to retrieve balls from Stonecutters Road and the oval carpark.

    Brinkworth Community Pool

    The Brinkworth Community Pool Committee successfully applied for sponsorship to purchase a defibrillator, along with a cabinet and storage to ensure the safety of pool members.

    Koolunga Development Association

    The Development Association sought funds to purchase a first aid kit for the hall and also to support their annual Christmas function.

    Community and Stakeholder Consultation

    We value the discussions and feedback we have received from the community as we have progressed the development of the Project. This type of feedback has helped us to refine the project’s design and the environmental assessments that we undertake.

    We will be continuing to meet with people near the project, as well as Wakefield Regional Council, Port Pirie Council, State and Federal Government bodies and other interested individuals and groups.

    We are actively looking to work with local tradespeople , contractors, suppliers and service providers through construction and operations. If you are interested in working with us, please register your interest at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Past Community Information Sessions

    Akaysha Energy held community information sessions in the Koolunga Institute and Brinkworth Memorial Hall on 8 May and 11 October 2023. These sessions offered the opportunity for locals to learn more about the project, meet the project team, and have face to face conversations with us to share local knowledge and perspectives about the proposed project.

    We would like to thank everyone who came along to our community information session in May and October and shared their thoughts and perspectives with the project team! We were very happy with the turnout across the four sessions and really enjoyed meeting everyone. Our project team recorded the input, advice, local knowledge and feedback about the proposed project from the many productive conversations we had with the local members of the community. This type of early feedback helps us to refine the project’s design and the environmental assessments that will be undertaken.

    Project Contact Info

    The Development Application for the Brinkworth Solar Farm, associated infrastructure and ancillary works (temporary and permanent), and connection to the national electricity grid via the adjacent Brinkworth Substation is now open for public submissions. The Development Application can be viewed, and submissions lodged online from the following address:

    On Wednesday, 28 August we are holding Community Information Sessions, we would love to see you there and answer any questions you may have.

    Please see information below:

    • Wednesday, 28 August 12pm – 3pm, Koolunga Institute
    • Wednesday, 28 August, 4pm – 6pm; Brinkworth Memorial Hall

    If you cannot attend these sessions but would like more information, we encourage you to get in touch with our team via our contact details.

    The Brinkworth Battery Energy Storage System will be developed as “exempt development” pursuant to Schedule 13 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. The planning approval exemption for the battery site was specified in the South Australian Government Gazette on 4 April 2024. This followed submission of an Expressions of Interest for Crown Sponsorship of new battery energy storage system (BESS) projects by the State Government to accelerate battery developments in South Australia.

    Couldn’t make it to one of our Community Information Sessions?

    Get in touch with the team via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    We would be happy to meet with you another time!

    Community Feedback

    Akaysha Energy welcomes the opportunity to receive feedback from the community and to incorporate it into its strategy for delivering the Brinkworth BESS. Please use the form below.
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    Please tell us how we can help